

Two animated campaigns for HSBC UK.

HSBC Cards And Cash
A smooth elegance matches the minimal illustration, informing customers of their travel money options.

HSBC Android Pay
Fun and dynamic to match the excitement of winning prizes with Android pay. These animations squash, stretch, morph and loop back around.

This project comprised of two animated campaigns for HSBC UK, created back-to-back but in very different styles.

The first is HSBC Cards & Cash, intened to inform customers of their travel money options while abroad. It’s animated with sophisticated elegance to match the minimal illustration style, insinuating the ease of travelling with HSBC. The second contrasting animations are for HSBC Android Pay, with fun and dynamic motion to match the excitement of winning prizes by using Android pay. These four animations squash, stretch, morph, and loop back around, and near constant motion keeps up the energy.

Client: HSBC
HSBC Cards & Cash and Android Pay

Agency: We Are Social
Animation and Illustration (Android Pay only)